24-hour prayer chain
Biblical rationale and exhortations: I Thes. 5:17; Eph. 6:18; Col. 4:2-4; and Jude 20.
Dates: April 5th, 7PM- April 6th, 7PM
Intervals: 15 minute segments equaling a total of 96 slots
Participants: This is open to both members and nonmembers/regular attenders of Hope.
Frequency: People may sign up to pray for as many slots as they like or for just one. Of course you can also pray during a slot someone else has signed up for.
Sign ups will begin Monday, March 25, and will continue until every slot is filled. First names and last name initial is sufficient.
Then schedule a reminder and set your alarm!
Technical difficulties? Contact: Sean Krieger at (248) 982-3850 or Josue Diaz at (248) 464-7636.
Questions of a non-technical nature? Text or call (248) 631-8045 and leave voicemail.
This is a public access event.
What will we pray for? Click the prayer requests button below!